After a few weeks of living here, I realized that it's pretty hard to get good dairy products...the main food groups here seem to be meat and vegetables, although it's not hard to get grains and fruits at the market. Milk and yogurt, however, are not easily found...good(or maybe I should say "actual") dairy products almost impossible. At first I was really disappointed, because I love my milk (right, Cathi?), but then decided that I needed to face reality and lower my expectations. A couple weeks ago, though, a friend told me about ordering fresh milk and yogurt to be delivered to my door every morning! So I signed up right away, and a couple days later, a dairy mailbox was installed outside my apartment door. Every morning, when I wake up, I feel giddy with
excitement, knowing that I have fresh, delicious milk and yogurt waiting just outside my door! I probably look like a little kid at Christmas time, running out in my pj's to see if the gifts are there, knowing full well that they will be just what I wanted.

Be assured that I
do in fact keep my mailbox locked -
nobody's going to take my milk!

There it is! So exciting :)