A couple weeks ago, I went to a friend's hometown in Yulin, in northern Shaanxi Province. Further north is the Ordos Desert, which extends into Inner Mongolia. It definitely felt like a desert there - lots of sand blown all over and a very dry climate. The original city wall is still standing, and parts of the Great Wall actually extend that far west.

The city wall, with homes built into the side of it

The Great Wall

My friends called this a beach, but I wasn't about to swim in the icy water! Near this river was Red Stone Gorge, with ancient writing was carved into the side of the rock.

a pagoda in town lit up with rope lights
my friend and his parents, with their brand new car
Some other pictures from the weekend...

sweet pics, Rach. I wouldn't have realized that was the great wall..you weren't kidding when you said it was completely different!