Monday, October 8, 2007
Last week, China celebrated October 1st holiday, which means that we didn't have classes all week. A friend and I took the overnight train to visit some friends in Tianjin for a few days. The train left here on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m, and arrived at 9:00 Sunday morning - 19 hours! I didn't sleep much during the night because it was rather uncomfortable and loud, but during the day, my friend and I started playing UNO. Soon curiosity overcame several people, who asked how to play, and pretty soon half the train car was playing UNO, it seemed, with the other half watching!

While there, we had the chance to see the Ancient Culture Street, the Tianhou Palace, Eric Liddel's home, and spend time with friends, which was great! It was fun to see another city, but it made me appreciate this city more. Tianjin had more of a big city feel...bigger streets, more crowds, louder. It was a fun trip, though, and a good break from the routine! I didn't take many pictures, but here are a couple: