Sunday, October 14, 2007
When the bell rang at the end of the school day yesterday, I walked out of the classroom and down the hall to the lobby area, where I park my bike with the others. After putting on my bike poncho (it covers not only my body, but the handle bars of my bike as well, so that my arms don’t even get wet in the chilly rain on the way home), I wheeled my bike out of the building and headed home. In my mind, I was picturing a snug, warm afternoon while listening to the cool rain outside. Oh, that sounded so good, to just curl up with a book and read and take a nice long afternoon nap in the cozy warmth of my little apartment. Arriving at home shattered that mental image, though, as I walked into my home and could see my breath! Two days before, when the same thing happened, I quickly discovered that my air conditioning unit has a heat button, and took advantage of that luxury. I’m not really sure how Chinese people can handle this chill until November 15th, when the heat apparently is turned on all over the country (except below this invisible line, where the heat is never turned on), or if they handle the chill, but I am thankful that I have access to heat!
When I don't have my heat on, I often sit at the end of my bed and fold my comforter over me, just to add another layer to the many I have on already! Although I stay warmer to study, this also happens to be a great napping place, and often the latter option happens as much as the former!